Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor

Lyme Disease Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease in Kingston Ulster County NY 12401

"David experienced fatigue, achy joints, a foggy brain, and diffuse muscle pain, all of which began about four years ago. Two years ago, after extensive blood testing, he was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Now, David is in great shape, and he thinks that Lyme disease is no longer holding him back from living his life!"

Read the Patient Case Study

-Dr. Louis Granirer, NY Chiropractor

Contact NYC Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer
Contact Dr. Lou Granirer

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor and Leading
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
For a Free Consultation

Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease in Kingston Ulster County NY 12401

Some of my favorite childhood memories include running barefoot on grass and having my shoes off for most of the summer months. Whether my feet were touching beach sand or the grass in the mountains, I realize now that it was the direct contact with nature that made me so fond of Summer.

It was around this time that Lyme disease was recognized, but it wasn’t until 1982 that the spirochete, Borrelia Burgdorferi, that causes Lyme was identified. Running barefoot on grass seems like a distant memory for many of us who are aware of the dangers of Lyme disease.

In recent years, the understanding of Lyme disease has broadened, and the complexity of what it is, and how to fight it, has become less of a mystery. What has come to light over recent years is that Lyme disease isn’t simply a disease caused by one spirochete, but usually a host of pathogens and toxins that are causing the body to exhibit complex symptoms.

It was once accepted that the Borrelia Burgdorferi is the sole reason for a person’s Lyme disease diagnosis. Research has suggested the connection between other stealth pathogens like Bartonella, Babesia, Ehrlichia, Parasites, Mycoplasma, Viruses like Epstein Barr, Heavy Metal, and environmental toxicity, and Fungus-like Candida. The more stealth pathogens that a person may have in their body, the more likely that these organisms quorum sense and produce biofilms. This is a way that these organisms band together to outwit the immune system and put a protective shield around themselves.

Originally, it was thought that the bullseye rash was of a higher incidence and indication for people that become acutely infected with the spirochete that causes Lyme, but the occurrence is only 30 to 40 percent of cases. Ticks were also thought to be the only transmission route, but it is believed that other insects like spiders, mosquitoes, fleas, and mites may also be a transmission source. It is also believed that spirochetes may be transmitted through bodily fluids like breast milk and sexual contact.

One of the reasons that Lyme disease is so challenging to resolve is because the co-infections and toxicity are generally not being addressed in patients’ care and because the spirochete changes form. It can change from cyst form, where they are in more of a dormant state, to a cell wall deficient form, and to a spiral form where they are most active. Antibiotics are not effective for all the forms of the spirochete.

Acute Lyme disease cases may resolve with traditional antibiotic therapy, but many chronic Lyme disease patients struggle with resolving their condition. Chronic Lyme disease patients require support through eradicating co-infections, toxicity, and their food sensitivities. Muscle testing allows for a road map to figure out what nutritional supplements are effective to help the immune system to fight the spirochetes, co-infections and toxic burden.

Many Lyme disease sufferers struggle to figure out what nutritional supplements to include in their health regimen. They may try something and feel a little better for short periods of time, but ultimately end up not feeling well again. Spirochetes and their confections can adapt to certain nutritional supplements, so by muscle testing; this can determine when things have changed and what herbs or vitamins to augment.

Finding A Patient's Natural Lyme Disease Remedy - A Case Study

Finding A Patient's Natural Lyme Disease Remedy - A Case Study

David experienced fatigue, achy joints, a foggy brain, and diffuse muscle pain, all of which began about four years ago. Two years ago, after extensive blood testing, he was diagnosed with Lyme disease. His medical doctor prescribed antibiotics for about four weeks, but it did little to improve the majority of his symptoms. After two months of his initial course of antibiotics, David was put on another course of antibiotics, this time for about three weeks.

He was frustrated that his symptoms were mostly unchanged and wanted to get additional support from a holistic perspective. That’s when he found me online after one of his friends had recommended muscle testing as a means to figure out what could help his body to function better and for the reduction of his musculoskeletal pain. 

When David came in for support, I used two methods to support his body. Through Applied Kinesiology , I performed gentle, soft tissue and spinal manipulation. Additionally, Nutrition Muscle Testing revealed sensitivities to eggs, lectins, dairy, corn, potatoes, and soy. 

The testing also revealed that he had some immune challenges related to the spirochete, fungus, and pesticide toxicity. Methylation abnormalities were also identified, as well as epigenetic variants requiring a specific amino acid.

David was given the recommendation to stay away from the foods that he tested sensitive to, and nutritional supplements were recommended to help his body to heal and function optimally. His initial protocol included taking the supplements Taurine, Adenosylcobalamin B12, Morinda Supreme, Drainage Tone, Melia Supreme, and Vital Guard Supreme.

When he came in for subsequent follow-ups, many of the nutritional supplements that he tested for initially were changed and modified. These adjustments in recommended supplements are common because as the body is healing and changing, it may require different herbs and nutrients at different phases of the recovery cycle.

Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease in Manhattan, New York City

After one month of working with David, he reported feeling a little more tired than usual. This can happen when the body is detoxifying and working hard to achieve homeostasis. It took a while, but after five months of consistent care, David reported that he was feeling about 80 percent better. He could get through an entire day without feeling utterly exhausted. He remarked that he was, “So grateful to be him again.” Now, David is in great shape, and he thinks that Lyme disease is no longer holding him back from living his life!

Please contact me for a Free Consultation, and let's see if I can help you find the exact natural Lyme Disease remedy your body needs!

Nutritional Support for Lyme Disease

Bugs love sugar, so make sure you cut that out of your diet. Know what foods you are sensitive to through muscle testing, to reduce inflammation in your body, and to keep your immune system working well.

Nutritional supplementation is essential for Lyme disease patients. Certain herbs like mimosa, chrysanthemum, Melia, Houttuynia, morinda, olive leaf, and many others are antimicrobial and work against confections and spirochetes.

Chiropractic care, acupuncture, tai chi, chi gong, massage, and energy medicine like Reiki are also very supportive for Lyme patients.

Tips to Help Avoid Tick Bites and What to Do If Bitten


  • When going on hikes or in grassy areas, wear light-colored clothing. Tuck your shirt and socks (wear long socks) into your pants.


  • Try to use natural, nontoxic sprays with essential oils. Nantucket Spider has an effective tick spray. You can use essential oils like rose geranium, lemongrass, cedarwood, Palo Santo, neem, clove, peppermint, and eucalyptus. Use rose geranium on your dog (as this is the safest oil for the pooches). Rub about one drop on the front, back, tail, and neck/shoulders (4 drops total). I hate using the toxic stuff, but my pooch requires the chemicals and the essential oils, and the ticks have still made it through.


  • The best method to remove a tick is with a Tick key. If you try to pull it out with a tweezer or burn it, it injects more of the spirochetes into your bloodstream. I’ve used Palo Santo oil directly on an embedded tick, and it did release on its own. Once you get the tick removed, save it, bag it, and send it off to They will test the tick for spirochetes.


  • When you come in from gardening, hiking, etc., put your clothes in the dryer on the hottest cycle (dry heat kills them) and take a shower.


  • If you have been bitten by a tick, go on antimicrobial herbs, antibiotics or both. Don’t risk getting Lyme disease.


If you or someone you know has been suffering with Lyme disease, please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Free Lyme Disease Consultation

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Free Lyme Disease Consultation

The severe and chronic symptoms of Lyme Disease is not something to disregard, especially if you have not been happy with the results you have been getting from the traditional medical community. Advanced cases can be very difficult, and require detailed attention. If you feel like I am describing you, please contact me for a free consultation. 

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer today.
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