Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor

Leaky Gut Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor.

"Leaky Gut Syndrome can influence the body’s ability to absorb nutrients , and your immune system’s ability to function. The most important factor in supporting Leaky Gut is to identify the underlying causes. Once identified a protocol to support and help the gut to heal can begin. Please contact me today for a free consultation."

-Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor

Contact NY Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer
Contact Dr. Lou Granirer

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor and Leading
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
For a Free Consultation

Find Your Leaky Gut Syndrome Remedy at the Holistic Chiropractic Center in Kingston, Ulster County NY 12401

Do You Have Leaky Gut?

The idea of having a leaky gut probably conjures up varied images of what this would look like and feel like for each of us. “Leaky gut” is a term that has been gaining popularity in the natural health world, and its relationship to digestive issues, autoimmune disease, and many conditions affecting the body. 

Another term for leaky gut is intestinal hyperpermeability. A basic understanding of this syndrome is that particles that shouldn’t leave the intestines are indeed traveling from the intestines into the bloodstream. These particles in the bloodstream lead to imbalances in the body and are a contributing factor in inflammation. 
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Find Your Leaky Gut Syndrome Remedy at the Holistic Chiropractic Center in Kingston, Ulster County NY 12401

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What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

In order to gain a greater understanding of why leaky gut syndrome occurs, let’s go over the basic structure and function of the intestines. The intestines have a single epithelial layer of cells, and this makes up the mucosal barrier.

These mucosal cells secrete mucous and trap harmful toxins, microbial organisms, etc. They also aid in the absorption process of your nutrients. Ultimately, you want a healthy mucosal barrier to allow your food to be absorbed and thus be bioavailable to your cells.

Many believe that if they eat “healthy,” then they are absorbing their nutrients. This is inaccurate. What we absorb depends on many factors, including the health of our intestinal lining. 

The epithelial cells form a protective barrier with tight junction proteins to make sure particles don’t pass easily to the bloodstream. The major protein molecule and regulator of intestinal permeability is Zonulin. Zonulin interacts with the tight junction protein complexes, which include Occludin, Claudin, Ecadherin, JAM1, etc. Increased levels of Zonulin encourage increased intestinal permeability, which in excess leads to hyperpermeability. Too much Zonulin encourages leaky gut syndrome. 

What are some of the conditions associated with leaky gut syndrome?



What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

1. Dysbiosis: This is an imbalance of good and bad microorganisms in the intestines. Every one of us has different abilities to handle different types of bacteria, fungus, parasites , and other microorganisms. If we have an overgrowth of candida , yeast, fungus, bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, amoebas, protozoa, etc., these organisms can degrade the mucosal lining and cause an increase in zonulin, leading to an increase in intestinal hyperpermeability. 

Solution: Get checked for dysbiosis by an expert in muscle testing to determine whether you have a microbial imbalance. If you test positive, go on a supplement protocol to heal your gut and eradicate microbial imbalances, including eliminating food sensitivities. 

2. Food Sensitivities: Food sensitivities can either be genetic or acquired. If you are sensitive to a food, that food’s particles can weaken the tight junction proteins, and they can go into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, they cause an autoimmune reaction. The immune system’s alarms are sounded, and immune factors go after the food, causing chronic inflammation. Foods can stay in the bloodstream for five to seven days. This explains why it is important to completely cut out foods instead of cutting back consumption to once a week or so. A food sensitivity goes way beyond feeling an upset stomach or having a skin reaction. It can cause immune system depletion, fatigue, headaches, migraines, allergies, emotional disturbances, joint pain, thyroid issues, etc.

Solution: Get muscle tested to determine if you have any food sensitivities, and stop eating those foods. 

3.  Poor Dietary Choices: Sugar, processed foods, non-organic foods, refined oils, chemical additives, fried foods, high simple carbohydrate intake. 

Solution: Eliminate these foods from your diet. Additionally, add to your diet filtered water (drink away from meals), and organic bone broth.

4. Toxic Burden: Toxic chemicals and frequent consumption of alcohol and drugs (legal or illegal), NSAIDs (e.g. Advil, and Alleve), tap water containing chlorine/fluoride, and pharmaceuticals like antibiotics all contribute to leaky gut syndrome. 

Solution: Buy only all-natural cleaning products and hygiene products, since chemicals alter the good bacteria in our intestines. Buy water filters to remove chlorine and fluoride; for drinking as well as for the shower. Chlorine is absorbed from breathing it as vapor when we take warm showers. A good quality air filter is also a good idea to take chemicals and pollutants out of the air. 

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Leaky Gut Syndrome Free Consultation

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Leaky Gut Syndrome Free Consultation

Leaky Gut Syndrome can influence the body’s ability to absorb nutrients , and your immune system’s ability to function. The most important factor in supporting Leaky Gut is to identify the underlying causes. Once identified a protocol to support and help the gut to heal can begin. Please contact me today for a free consultation.
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