
Osteoporosis Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor

Osteoporosis Remedies - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor

"Osteoporosis is a common bone disease affecting approximately 2% of women and 5% percent of men over 65 years of age. It’s characterized by low bone density and an increased risk of fractures. Postmenopausal women and Asian American women have the highest risk of developing this condition. Learn how we can help you find your natural Osteoporosis remedy!"

-Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor

Contact NYC Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer
Contact Dr. Lou Granirer

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor and Leading
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
For a Free Consultation

Natural Remedy for Osteoporosis in Kingston, Ulster County NY 12401

The main proteins in bone are collagen type I, collagen type V, and other non-collagen proteins. The minerals that comprise bone are hydroxyapatite, phosphate, sodium, magnesium, zinc, strontium, boron, copper, zinc, sulfur, potassium, carbonate and fluoride. When people think of bone they think of calcium. 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in bone, but calcium is only a single part of the osteoporosis story. 

Bone formation outpaces bone resorption until about the mid to late 20s. At around 35 years of age, bone resorption outpaces bone formation. After the age of 35, there is a decline in bone density at approximately .75 to 1 percent per year. 

Osteoblasts are cells that build bone, while osteoclasts are cells that breakdown and help with bone resorption. Osteoclast activity predominates osteoblast activity with the aging process. 

Post-menopausal women initially experience approximately a 5 percent loss of bone each year after menopause for the first 5-10 years. This has to do with the change in progesterone and estrogen levels. The rate of bone loss levels off at about one percent per year for women after ten years of menopause. 

Osteoporosis will not show up on an X-ray unless there is thirty percent or greater bone loss, which indicates moderate to severe osteoporosis. A DEXA scan will detect osteoporosis in different areas of the body. Here are some tips to prevent and to support/reverse osteoporosis: 
Natural Remedy for Osteoporosis in Kingston, Ulster County NY 12401

Osteoporosis Supplementation

The standard recommendation is to take calcium citrate, and vitamin D. Calcium citrate is 16 biochemical steps away from a usable form by the body. There are many different forms of calcium, such as calcium lactate (which doesn’t have to be broken down as much as citrate and is much closer to a usable form in the body), calcium malate, calcium d glutarate, calcium sulfate, calcium phosphate, calcium fluoride etc. What a person requires is based on their genetics and their ability to absorb the specific type of calcium. 

I often recommend Calcifood from Standard Process as it is very highly absorbable and is made from bone meal and actual bone. You do not require the standard milligrams that are recommended with calcium citrate because of its absorbability. 

It is important to understand that calcium is only one piece of the puzzle. I often find that estrogen and progesterone require balancing; a patient requires magnesium, Vitamin A, collagen, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K2, zinc, strontium, boron, etc. Herbs like Epimedium, Red Clover, Kudzu root, and Black cohosh root can also help bone health. I muscle test which minerals and supplements are necessary for individual patients. 

Of these, Vitamin D is an important piece of the puzzle. It is vital to take the correct dosage, which should be muscle tested for an individual’s needs. Not all vitamin D is utilized by the body. Many people require all three major vitamin D pathways to be activated. Vitamin D should be coupled with an activating co-factor for a certain segment of the population. Regardless, there is no doubt that when taking this supplement, blood levels of vitamin D will go up and appear at a normal or high range in the blood, but this doesn’t equate to vitamin D being utilized by the body.

Black cumin seed oil and apricot kernel oil are two oils that will activate vitamin D and enable its use by the body. They are coupled together in the products Smart D3 and Smart D3/K2. You can get 20,000 IU of vitamin D by having 40 percent of your body exposed to the sun midday for 20 minutes (without suntan lotion). Any more than that is not healthy. Unless you live in a tropical climate, this is very hard to do.

What to Eat?

Many of my clients are not consuming dairy because they are sensitive to it. As long as you aren’t sensitive to the following foods, eat these calcium-rich foods: bok choy, cauliflower, sesame seeds, broccoli rabe, collard greens, oranges, white beans, wild salmon, okra, and almonds. Vitamin C helps with the absorption of calcium by increasing osteoblast activity, so it's a good idea to eat berries and vitamin C containing foods. 

Bone broth is an excellent source of calcium, collagen, and every mineral necessary for bone health. If you are making your own, make sure you use grass-fed organic bones and add some cilantro and rosemary to your bone broth. I make mine in the Instapot, which is a pressure cooker. It reduces the cooking time down to about 6 hours vs.16 to 24 hours using stove-top methods. 

Please stay away from foods to which you have sensitivities, as they will interfere with mineral absorption. Get muscle tested to determine if you have any food sensitivities. Specifically, solanine foods, or nightshades like tomatoes and potatoes, block vitamin D and calcium absorption. 

Firmly Tap on Your Body for 10 Minutes a Day

Make fists and using the pinky side of your fist firmly (it shouldn’t hurt, but you should feel it) and tap all over your body. Use one fist to tap on the opposite arm, and vice versa, tap very firmly on the hips, glutes, legs, etc. This action stimulates the bone and osteoblasts leading to calcium deposition. 

Do Weight-bearing and Strength Training Exercises

Dancing, chi gong, tai chi, yoga, fast walking, and strength training are important for calcium absorption and bone health. 

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for an Osteoporosis Remedy Free Consultation

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for an Osteoporosis Remedy Free Consultation 

I hope I have impressed on you enough that there are valid options available to help overcome the challenge of living with Osteoporosis. Please contact me for a free consultation, and we'll see if find the exact combinations of remedies your body needs to get feeling better!

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer today.
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